We might have found the real Atlantis!

by Gamila Mostafa on October 12, 2022

NURAGHI: Have we found the real Atlantis?

Coastline with a crystal-clear sea, breathtaking landscapes, a multitude of animals and plant life, the top and most favorite destination for everyone and VIPs, white and fine sands! But Sardinia is also about the most millennial, ancient civilization: the Nuraghi that lived before the Roman conquest in the 3rd century BC.

Actually, many "sub-tribes" lived at that age that belonged to 3 tribes (Corsi, Balares, Ilienses), but the most predominant of which was the Nuragic, which belonged to Balares Ilienses.



The Sardinia tribes hide many mysteries and the most significant tribe has been the Nuraghi which are shrouded in mystery and myths till now! Many experts affirm the existence of the Nuraghi civilization is even tied with the emergence of the coming ancient people of the Bronze Age!

Let's figure out together when they exactly lived on their beautiful island: historians agree that in placing the Nuragic civilization existed between 1800 and 238 AC, roughly the same time. King Tut ruled over Egypt at that time, and Ramses II fought its most gruesome battles.; This period also coincides with the establishment of the first democracy in Greece. At the same time, the ancient Greeks created the first democracy and Sparta.  They were there when Rome was founded!


 So many important events and history these people experienced throughout their lives, probably without even knowing it. Yet, they made history themselves. They established their society and symbols, fought battles, and built essential buildings, exactly 7000 constructions on the island! We are sure today that they were experts on building complex constructions.

Their society was based on a strict structure, very well organized with hierarchical rules:

Apex warriors were "priests" that practiced the cult of water, which was typical of the Nuragic spirituality. Yes, you heard it well, the cult of water! Most commonly, water cult was

Linked to sacred wells and springs, architectural features give access to surface water or underground aquifers. Every water sanctuary has particular shapes like

rectangular-plan buildings (so-called megaron temples), straight and curvilinear plan buildings, and purely circular ones, with or without vats. Today this is what they left us:

Sardegna (Sardinia) - nuraghe village from the top

sardegna, internal of the nuraghe temple

They were prosperous, had a very fruitful economy and had a structured society, but what what dramatic event swept them away?

Plato refers to a massive marine disaster, was it an earthquake or a tidal wave? Or maybe a comet? Was it punishment meted out by Zeus, as Plato suggests in Critias, acting pitilessly to improve the behaviour of these people who had been spoiled by living in a land where it was always spring? Certainly they occupied a beautiful, fertile island, endowed with all sorts of metal, both hard and malleable, such as zinc, lead and silver. Furthermore, According to some investigations, probably Sardinia might be Plato’s island of Atlas, or in other words Atlantis, which the Greek philosopher placed beyond the pillars of Hercules, the strait between Sicily and Tunisia!!!

We are sure about something:

Nuraghe civilization was one of the focal points of the ancient world, in terms of both geography and outlook, but we need to give scientific, historical, cultural, political and emotional substance to a still mysterious past.” as confirmed Azzedine Beschaouch, former head of the Unesco world heritage centre.

To this day the people of Sardinia are wary of the coast, but also fascinated by its breathtaking landscapes.

sardinia is atlantis