The weird combo of cheese and honey

by on February 28, 2023

The weird combo of cheese and honey

An old tradition that works till today


Cheese and honey is an unusual combination, but it's been around for centuries. The ancient Greeks and Romans enjoyed eating raw milk cheese with honey as a dessert. Today, it's common for cheese and honey to be paired with brie and fig preserves or cream cheese with fruit jelly. Why do these two foods go together so well?


Marco Gavio Apicio, a Roman chef and writer, mentions honey being eaten with cheese in his book On the Subject of Cooking. You might be thinking: "What?" But it's true! And not just any old cheese; raw milk cheese was the choice for this combo back then. The Greeks also enjoyed raw milk cheese with honey as a dessert, as did modern-day Greece. In fact, many Greek restaurants use this combination as an appetizer or main course today!

Marco Gavio Apicio

The Greeks also enjoyed raw milk cheese with honey as a dessert

The Greeks also enjoyed raw milk cheese with honey as a dessert. The combination of salty and sweet was apparently so good that they used it to preserve the cheese, which they called "saganaki." They didn't just use honey as an ingredient in their food: They also drank it. In fact, there's evidence that they were making mead--a fermented beverage made from honey--as far back as 7000 BC!

Ancient civilizations used honey to preserve cheese and other foods before refrigeration was invented.

Ancient civilizations used honey to preserve cheese and other foods before refrigeration was invented. If you're lucky enough to have access to honey, this is a great trick for preserving your favorite types of cheese! Honey is a natural preservative, so it helps you keep your cheese fresh for longer. Honey has been used as an ingredient in some countries' traditional recipes for centuries--it's not just an ancient food preservation method; it's also delicious! In addition to using it on cheeses and other dairy products like yogurt or cream cheese (which we'll get into shortly), some people like adding honey into jams or marinades because they think it adds flavor and texture while helping prevent spoilage at room temperature over time.

brie with fig

Today, it's common for cheese and honey to be paired together in dishes like brie with fig preserve or cream cheese with fruit jelly.

The next time you're in the mood for some cheese, try pairing it with honey instead of fig preserves or fruit jelly. You'll be surprised at how well these two ingredients complement each other! You can make brie with fig preserve by slicing a wheel of brie into wedges and drizzling them with warm fig preserve. You can also add some nuts and crackers on the side for an appetizer that will impress your guests at any party. For dessert, try making cream cheese with fruit jelly by combining cream cheese, sugar syrup (or simple syrup), lemon juice, and vanilla extract in a bowl until smooth; then fold in whipped cream before spooning onto graham crackers or ice cream sundaes.

Cheese and honey are an unusual combination that can be delicious!

Cheese and honey are an unusual combination that can be delicious! Cheese is a sweet and salty food, so it's no wonder that honey is often added to cheeses like brie or gouda. Not only does this add extra flavor, but it also acts as a preservative to keep your cheese fresh longer. Honey has been used as a sweetener for centuries--so why not try putting some on your next cheese plate?

The combination of cheese and honey seems like it shouldn't work, but it does. If you're feeling adventurous, try putting some honey on your next slice of cheese. You might be surprised by how good it tastes!